Thursday 23 January 2014


I can not stress enough how having a positive, loving and healthy mind is the most important step on living your healthiest and happiest life. 

Now Im gonna get deep.. and share with you some of my experiences that I know some of you may have already experienced/ experiencing as well so get ready.. 

Two years ago I suffered from terrible acne and skin issues. I had tested and tried every product on the market (seriously!) from ProActive, ASAP, clearasil , Clean & Clear, antibiotics, the pill and so many more. Some products helped a bit but never got rid of the fiery redness completely. I dealt with the pain everyday and felt disgusting, I just wanted it gone! I felt self conscious and looked like an ugly monster (well so i thought). I visited my doctor and she insisted my best and last option would be to put me on Roaccutane, a medication that is supposedly get rid of acne for good. 

I was put on the medication by a specialist skin doctor and was told all the various systems such as dry eyes and lips, sore muscles, high energy and even depression. At the time I didn't care about the symptoms I would of done anything and everything to get rid of the horrible pimples that were taking over my face and life. 

After 2-3 months on the medication nothing seemed to be working, so the doctor doubled my intake so the medication had a more powerful effect on my skin. I began to experience the symptoms such as dried eyes and cracked lips and I would never leave the house without lip balm. A few months past and I was not feeling my usual happy self, the emotional side of me was just not right. I began to feel sad, lonely and more self-conscious then ever. I didn't want to see or be around friends anymore I felt like they hated me because I was 'Ugly, Fat and Not good enough' (well so I thought). I then started to focus my thoughts on becoming prettier and skinner, which led me to obsessing over calories and exercise. I started to control my life around what I ate and losing weight without realising I was pushing away some of my best friends and family. It was like my life had become worthless and I had nothing else going for me. 

"I hadn't seen my friends in weeks, I felt like they hated me and I hated myself. "

I amped up my workouts at the gym by going everyday, and slowly decreased my calories to 1200 a day. I loved the control I had! and I loved that I was getting skinnier. I was happy with myself that I had lost some weight. Although I was never overweight and never worried about what I ate, as I was always quite a slim and active girl. I just got competitive with myself and wanted to feel good in my own body. What I didn't realise was I was doing more damage then good and depriving my body from essential nutrients. 

During the 2011 Christmas holidays my family and I visited New Zealand were we went on a road trip and spent time with other family. It was on this trip my mum realised how distant I had become, how little I was eating and the dramatic weight I had loss. When we got home she immediately took me to a doctor where she did some physiological & BMI tests. I was severely underweight and was diagnosed with depression/anorexia. It was then that I was taken off Roaccutane and sent to a psychologist and Nutritionist to help me recover from what could have potentially gotten worse. 

Today I thank my mum for forcing me to go to that doctor’s appointment, as I would probably still be on Roaccutane and potentially be in a worse place. It took time, effort and eventually determination to enable myself to get back to a healthy weight. A long year of shifting my mind set and realising I am beautiful, I have amazing friends, my life is worth living and I am happy & healthy. I also thank my Nutritionist Trish Russell for motivating me as she inspired me and help developed my loving interest in healthy food and cooking! So today I live an extremely happy life, I’m surrounded by amazing souls everyday, I nourish myself with healthy delicious food and I am so grateful for everything that has happened, as I would not be the person I am today. 

If you have any questions about depression, anorexia/eating disorders or health do not hesitate to ask me! I am here to help and give as much advice and guidance I can to help you get through this difficult journey. I will also be posting more tips, advice and helpful techniques to getting through dark times and becoming the happiest and healthiest you! 

Email me at: 

Cheers to Health, 
Maddy Lahey 

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