Thursday 23 January 2014

Sticking to those New Years Resolutions!

We all made our list of resolutions and goals we want to achieve at the start of 2014, but have you still sticked with yours? Usually by the end of January, we sometimes tend to forget about the resolutions we set and can become lazy and unmotivated.  I just wanted to check in and remind you of the goals you set and share some tips that will help you get on top of your resolutions and make them happen!

My top personal goals for 2014 are:

  • To let go of FEAR
  • Stop comparing/ judging myself to others
  • Open up more with the universe

I also have other smaller and adventorous goals such as:

  • Meditate daily
  • Sky dive!!!
  • Travel to Japan (or somewhere new)

And so far I havent achieved any of them. But thats ok! most of them and most of your goals will take time and patience to achieve.

1) Re Write them down. 
Readjust or rewrite your goals down in a journal, diary or notepad. This will reaffirm the existence of these goals and will remind you what you need to achieve.

2) Write down Smaller Steps.
If your goals are very adventurous and BIG (which I hope they are) then try writing down smaller goals that will help you arrive to the main goal.
For example my goal is... I want to travel to Japan. 
I would write a smaller goal such as... Save money for the flights. 
Achieving smaller steps will help you get to the finish line.

3) Remind yourself. 
Stick your goals every where! buy some sticky notes and write daily reminders, quotes or inspirational pictures and vision boards and place them where you will see them. This means you are constantly reminded of the main goal.

So I hope this helps and reminds you to not throw away those new years resolutions just yet, and its not to late to set some! 2014 has just began so get going and make those dreams happen!

BRING ON 2014!

Cheers to Health,
Maddy Lahey

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